Saturday, August 6, 2011

'twas a nice morning for glasses

maple loves my NW... i swear they loved the wrong char... 4th sg glasses on my nw... like... o.o??? why do i need so many glasses on my nw... -.-'''

this run was super good... i got a 4th glass on NW, 2nd glass on aran and mech, and a glass on the storage bam and abandoned FW... yes, a hefty 5 glasses in a single run! the best i got so far... its more than what i get in a whole day (3 runs) so far? have not pot scrolled any of the glasses yet apart from the one my hero boomed. kinda in a rush now so yeah...

SG/MY National Day Event Stats:
Times done quiz: 16 rounds, 20 chars = 320 times
Glassed: hero 2x (1 boom), mech 2x, bam, SM, storage db, aran 2x, aran3, NW 4x, evan, WH, abandoned FW, storage bam
Awaiting glasses (chars that are active/will be trained in the future): my sis' i/l, db
Die die must get more glasses to pot scroll chars: Hero, wh, mech (waiting pot scroll)... hmm aran(waiting pot scroll)?

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