Wednesday, August 3, 2011

National Day Event Personal Stats

Just a quick update... somehow just feel like keeping track of my event progress.... dont ask me for wat and why, i just feel like it...

Today was quite a good day for me, 1st i got the glasses on my SM, storage db, and NW... well it'll only be useful for my NW who hasnt reached 120 yet... but its all good. There's always the pot scrolls to throw in and the SOK to move the glasses out (whether to be sold or another char of mine...). Than i got the glasses on my hero... and in the very last round got in on my active bam, and mech (and a storage aran3 too)...

ok, so here's my stats so far... mostly just getting tons of face masks and flags yeah...

Times done quiz: 7 rounds, 20 chars = 140 times
Glassed: hero, mech, bam, SM, storage db, aran, aran3, NW
Awaiting glasses (chars that are active/will be trained in the future): my sis' i/l, db, evan, WH
All other glasses chars waiting to get 2nd glass b4 i'll try to throw in pot scrolls...

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