Thursday, January 3, 2013


Super belated post… i know… I tried Aswan on like… the 1st day it came out… and tried it again the other day when my friend came over for sleepover and we mapled all day and half the night. My stupid pappy has problems with Aswan… will keep ken dc… esp on the 1st day when it was super crowded… i dc-ed every few rounds loh… had to keep changing the pic quality to like, reduce the ram usage but even then it merely prolonged my online time a little...

Get ready for the great SS spam...

MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 52 42 81i tried it with my hero...

MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 52 49 13MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 53 03 37MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 53 14 59
MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 53 19 49MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 53 26 15MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 53 30 57MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 53 44 98there are two merchants in there… the stuff they sell depends on ur honour lvl...
MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 54 08 51MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 54 13 65MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 54 21 23MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 54 23 92the long winded np explains each of the modes...

MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 54 45 35MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 54 56 74MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 55 45 90MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 55 50 26MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 55 53 21MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 55 58 37MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 56 03 26MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 56 09 87MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 56 35 79woodwan will track how many coins you received so far… a sliver coin counts as 1 count too, so its in absolute number of the coins u received. 

MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 58 16 15there's a bunch of different modes...

MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 58 42 71MapleStory 2012 12 07 16 59 26 92

i tried the pq solo mode before trying it in a pt...

MapleStory 2012 12 07 17 00 09 26MapleStory 2012 12 07 17 01 32 68gave up on the solo mode cos i didn’t know what i was supposed to do and it was just taking too long :P

MapleStory 2012 12 07 17 08 18 96well basically all you have to do for attack or occupy mode is rush to the very >>> side, and down the tower. There are other towers in the middle, but you don't have to down those. The mobs too… if your pt is good and can kill fast, you have to bother about the mobs… good pts only take like… 30 sec per round… :X mine when i tried… if fast less than 1 min settle… otherwise may drag for a few mins. jobs with high movement like evan are great for this pq… 

MapleStory 2012 12 07 17 08 23 26that was the first time i cleared the pq… i think everyone in the pt didn’t know what to do that's why took so long :X

MapleStory 2012 12 07 17 10 37 38MapleStory 2012 12 07 17 11 04 74MapleStory 2012 12 07 17 13 01 84lvl 4 honor...

MapleStory 2012 12 07 17 30 50 15MapleStory 2012 12 07 18 57 14 71The thing about this Azwan is that you spend A LOT of pots. Like really A LOT! I think the pillar and beam attack hits for a % of ur max hp, and of cos the more difficult the mode, the more painful the hit. Very easy to die if you doth keep potting to full health… 

MapleStory 2012 12 07 19 04 09 59ooo 40 secs finish, nice. Note: If your pt cannot down fast, you shd try and chose an easier mode… or have someone clear the mobs. Cos if the mobs cross over to the << side, it'll heal the boss tower's hp. 

The basic concept in Azwan is that you are divided into two teams, you are on the blue team side, fighting against the towers and mob spawns on the red team. The game will spawn some soldiers (the blue dots, koc styled mobs) that are on ur team who will help to fight against the red team mob spawns… the blue team mobs can't hold out for long tho, so if your team is taking more then a minute to kill the tower and NO ONE is clearing the mobs, some might be crossing over and healing the tower hp. (just a rough estimate of the time, depends on difficulty lvl too)

MapleStory 2012 12 07 19 05 20 74see in this pic there's those vertical pillars appearing? the one on the far right is in its full size already, whereas those two on the left are just starting the attack (see the 10k damage dealt). Basically if you get hit by this pillar in hard/hell mode, its instant death. In normal you still have some hp left over though.

MapleStory 2012 12 07 19 07 46 81MapleStory 2012 12 07 19 19 26 07Oh have i mentioned that you won't lose exp for dying in Azwan? Well its practically a die fest in Azwan so...

anyway, refer to the pic above. See the tomb stone like indicators on the floor? Yup. Those indicate where the pillar will spawn. So train ur reflexes! Once you see the pillars, run/flash jump/tele/watever to somewhere safe! If there's like a row of 5 pillars with no gap in between though… you're out of luck… unless say u are standing far back enough to jump out of all the tombstones… but for a warrior like me… it’s a sure death. Nope, all avoid, fake, MG etc doesn’t work here… it’s a 100% hit and for hard/hell mode, a 100% death. Well dying is not bigger lah… just have to eat a PE (or watever pot), buff up ur skills, and go back on ur way… it may affect the completion time for that round though...

MapleStory 2012 12 07 22 25 07 62

While you can get exp and coins throughout the day, honour will only be given out between 2-8pm. Which is just… zzzzzzzz for me… since I'm a night owl who maples at night (if at all)...

MapleStory 2012 12 12 01 49 24 82

i tried out Azwan on my phantom too…normal mode was easy enough to solo, but hard mode was just too much for me to take… 

MapleStory 2012 12 12 01 49 26 34MapleStory 2012 12 12 01 53 40 12MapleStory 2012 12 12 01 58 20 99i cleared normal mode fast enough tho, in like 1min… will be faster if i don't down the middle tower lah...

MapleStory 2012 12 12 01 59 35 99oh this time managed to do in 50 sec, still downed mid tower.

I tried Azwan with what… 7x characters and the exp was really fast… its considered a party quest area so you get a whole lot of exp for killing the mobs in there… depends on ur lvl and pt lah. If rushing for coins, obviously won't get much/any exp… just kill the end tower only… if ur pt take longer to finish each round and you kill a lot of mobs along the way, expect fast exp for low lvled chars.


Ok, that's all i have on Azwan! 

Ps, didn’t feel like typing much today so just spammed SSes /heh

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